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Thursday, November 19, 2009

New fossils reveal a world full of crocodiles

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New fossils unearthed in what is now the Sahara arid acknowledge a once-swampy world

divided up amid a half-dozen breed of abnormal and conceivably able crocodiles, advisers appear on Thursday.

They accept accustomed some of the fresh breed abrupt names -- BoarCroc, RatCroc, DogCroc, DuckCroc and PancakeCroc -- but say their allegation advice anatomy an compassionate of how crocodilians were and abide such a acknowledged activity form.

They lived during the Cretaceous aeon 145 actor to 65 actor years ago, back the continents were afterpiece calm and the apple warmer and wetter than it is now.

"We were afraid to acquisition so

abounding breed from the aforementioned time in the aforementioned place," said archaeologian Hans Larsson of McGill University in Montreal who formed on the study.

"Each of the crocs allegedly had altered diets, altered behaviors. It appears they had disconnected up the ecosystem, anniversary breed demography advantage of it in its own way."

Larsson and Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago, adjourned by National Geographic, advised the jaws, teeth and what few basic they had of the crocodiles. They additionally did CT scans, which are computer-enhanced x-rays, to see central the skulls.

Two of the species, DogCroc and DuckCroc, had accuracy that looked altered from those of avant-garde crocodiles.

"They may accept had hardly added adult academician action than alive crocs because alive hunting on acreage usually requires added academician ability than alone cat-and-mouse for casualty to appearance up," Larsson said in a statement.

RatCroc, a fresh breed formally alleged Araripesuchus rattoides, was begin in Morocco and would accept acclimated its buck-toothed lower jaw to chow for food.

PancakeCroc, accepted scientifically as Laganosuchus thaumastos, was 20 anxiety continued with a big, collapsed head.

DuckCroc represents fresh fossils begin in Niger from a ahead accepted breed alleged Anatosuchus minor. It would accept eaten grubs and frogs with its ample snout.

The added barbaric BoarCroc was additionally 20 anxiety continued but ran cocked and had a jaw congenital for ramming, with three pairs of knife-like teeth.

Some absolved cocked with their legs beneath the anatomy like a acreage mammal instead of sprawled out to the sides, bellies affecting the ground.

"Their amphibian talents in the accomplished may be the key to compassionate how they flourished in, and ultimately survived, the anachronistic era," Sereno wrote in a abstracted commodity for National Geographic.

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